BREAKING: Iowa's six-week abortion ban goes into effect
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Empowering choices.
Ensuring freedom.

the issue

Reproductive rights in Iowa face significant challenges due to restrictive laws and government interference, limiting access to essential healthcare.

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our mission

To inform and empower Iowans with accurate information about reproductive health and freedom, advocating for patient autonomy in personal medical decisions.

did you know?

Why it matters.

Despite Iowa’s historical support for individual rights, current restrictions on reproductive healthcare are at odds with the majority opinion of Iowans who believe in the importance of accessible reproductive services?


of Iowans believe abortion should be legal in all or most circumstances.


of recent legislative proposals introduce biased, non-medical information into public education.

6-week ban

on abortion is currently being considered by the Iowa Supreme Court, affecting women’s access to reproductive healthcare.


of Iowans support access to comprehensive reproductive healthcare, including family planning and contraception.

Take action now to save the future.

Empower. Educate. Advocate.

Advocating for reproductive rights and patient autonomy in Iowa.

Iowa Coalition for Reproductive Freedom (ICRF) is a non-partisan coalition of physicians, community leaders and citizens who aim to provide facts and information to the public about reproductive freedom and patient autonomy when making personal, private medical decisions.

Your Rights, Your Health, Our Mission

“Empowering Iowans with knowledge and support, we stand united for reproductive freedom and personal autonomy.”

Emily Boevers

Physician & Founder

Your Rights, Your Health, Our Mission

“At ICRF, we are dedicated to ensuring every Iowan has the freedom to make informed, personal healthcare decisions without government interference.”

Francesca Turner

Physician and Founder

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